Saturday, October 20, 2007

Italians love food. They love shopping for it, prepping for it and or course consuming huge portions of it. Who wouldn't? The markets here make it so easy to enjoy the simple task of shopping for food. Its all laid out in front of you, anything you could possibly want (keeping in mind it must be grown/caught/produced in Italy) of the freshest highest quality.

Came across several persimmon trees while wandering the surrounding hills of lake Como. Along with olive tree after olive tree. Some of the cobble stone paths had many fallen chestnuts you'd roll your ankles on. The place must be experienced, it's foodie heaven.

Fresh porcinis are everywhere right now, table after table filled with them some taller than a foot. The white truffle season isn't the best. They are abundant but never on display, costing right now around $1200-2300 a pound. (who wants some? I'll ship)

Meat markets always have the sexiest Florentine t-bones. Along with fifty different kinds of cured meat and always mountains of fresh rabbit and poultry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we, at Gardenview want two pounds of truffles bill to Flab!